Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Irish Observation of the Day #2

Irish Observation of the Day #2 - Every bar sells Pringles.

Yep. Every. Single. Bar. Sells Pringles.

You know the little cans of Pringles? Well, at every bar/pub in Ireland, next to where all of the alcohol is, there is a stack of those little cans of Pringles for sale.

I have yet to see someone actually purchase said Pringles... but, they're there. And that's what counts.

Maybe the Irish have a fascination with Pringles? Maybe it's just more deep fried potatoes for them (we'll get to more about that later).

Either way, fun fact for you for the day: Every bar in Ireland sells Pringles. 

So if you are ever in need of a salty, deep fried, potatoey snack while drinking a Guinness or a Bulmer's, don't worry. They got ya covered.

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