Thursday, January 3, 2013

First Adventure: Getting a Taxi

So I have essentially been copying and pasting this into messages to people who are asking me about how it was getting here. Beyond almost missing our flight in Chicago to Dublin, not knowing where the heck we were supposed to go to find our bus to Galway, ALL OF THE WETNESS OF IRELAND (literally, you walk outside and your hair is soaked even though it's not "raining"), and the whole mess of me and my roommates trying to figure out how our kitchen works, this is my first full length story for you guys.... trying to find a taxi in Galway. Enjoy :)

We got into Galway.... and the people on the bus were telling us that taxis will be right at the bus station and we can take those to our apartments....

....but there were no taxis....

so we asked the counter where we could get a taxi and they were like "you'll have to go to the square, which is that way..."

.....thanks chick.....

so we just started walking.... with all of our luggage (as if we didn't already look american enough...)

and couldn't figure out how to get a taxi, because you don't hail them here like you would in the states....

and we were wet... and cold.... and lost...

so I finally was like "screw this!" and went into a rent-a-car shop.

the guy was like "can I help you?"

and there's me... soaking wet, on the verge of tears, like "Hi. I'm a stupid american. and I'm with a group of equally stupid americans. and we're studying abroad here this semester. we thought we could get a taxi from the bus station.... but we don't know how to get one. so... since I'm a stupid american, can you please tell me how I can get a taxi to Dunaras Village?"

......the guy just looked at me like "....ok...." with so much pity.... and he goes, "Sit down."

so I did.

and then he pulls out his phone, calls someone, and is like "Hey! Sean! Yeah.... I have a very nice american girl who needs a ride. She has five friends too... can you help them out?"

Literally, two seconds later, two taxis pulled up all ready to take us, and they were the NICEST men you have ever met! Our was Sean, and he was so nice and was telling us what things are and how we get places, and then he gave us his card and said, "Give me a call if you need anythig! ANYTHING at all! Any questions, if you need a ride somewhere, whatever. Don't hesitate to call me!" and took like 3 euros off of our taxi fee.

So. nice. I could have cried.

That's my first big story of Galway :)

Now, we are off of to our first Orientation! It will be my first time in actual town since first arriving. A group of people from Concordia went out last night to eat, but apparently it's like a 40 minute walk to the main part of the city (about 30 minutes to campus), and I was exhausted and jet legged and just wanted to sleep... so I was a party pooper and went to bed. But I'm happy I did, because I feel very adjusted now! (at least sleep wise...) The other adjusting may take a few days :)

1 comment:

  1. What an intro to your adventure, what da mean stupid American:)Great blog!!
