Friday, January 11, 2013

The Adventure of Registration

Alright, first of all, ya'll at Concordia who are always complaining about registration?... You have NOTHING on Irish registration (and I think, generally, the rest of the world).

Let's talk about where I am this second. I am in line, at 8:30 in the morning. I have been here for just over 40 minutes now... and we have another 2 and a half hours before we actually get started registering.

So I got here over three hours early for registration....

And I am at the back of the line (for now at least). 

On a freezing cold floor.

With some German girls speaking German by me (which actually is pretty cool).


And get this. There are only 3 spots per class. And I would say I am at least number 50 in line.... crossing fingers no one wants the same classes I do!!!

Feeling bad for the people who thought showing up an hour early would be super early.....

Cause I thought 3 HOURS was early. Oy.

So, please know, when I come back to Concordia, and registering is a matter of waking up in the early hours of the AM, grabbing my computer, staying in my warm and cozy bed, logging on, typing in some numbers (at its worst, taking half an hour), and then going back to sleep, I will be REJOICING. (on my way rejoicing to sleep)


1 comment:

  1. Hanna . . . you just about made my day . . . everything is relative, isn't it . . . I hope you got the classes you wanted . . . We are actually going to improve our process just a bit . . . we are going to stagger . . . hopefully this won't be as "frustrating" as November. So glad you have a blog . . . that will let us share your stories and adventures from afar. I was looking for you on the coaches this week . . . but alas, you were no where to be found . . . takes me a bit of a while to catch on. Best to you, Hannah . . . and again, thank you for sharing.
