Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year. New Adventures. Here we go!

Today, we begin a new year. 2013.

Today, I also begin a new adventure. I am headin’ on over to Ireland, baby! The fact that we have actually reached this day blows my mind. I remember starting the countdown back in freshman year… thinking that spring of junior year was so far away! Now here we are, and we’re just about to head off on our journey!

Essentially, I am praying that we just get through today. Between flying internationally, jet lag, hauling 3 bags across Ireland, figuring out our living situations, getting things we need when we land, and the bajillion other things I have running through my head, I am stressing a little bit. It will work out fine, I just hope it all goes well.

Next time, I will be officially posting in Ireland… and hopefully somewhat sane (keeping fingers crossed!).

To a new year and new adventures! Cheers!

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